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Data insights & dashboards

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Training Needs Analysis

Aggregated data and group profiles provide insight into current capabilities and skill gaps, to inform strategic planning and learning intervention design.

Leader Engagement

Platform smarts and user engagement strategies ensure capability development stays in step with organisational needs and strategic requirements.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Insight into leaders’ current knowledge base and growth goals enables informed decision making for strategic initiatives, talent mapping and assessing future readiness.

Inspiring better leaders, building better businesses

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Leading you to the forefront of greatness

  • Learning modules spanning a broad range of preeminent leadership skills and concepts.
  • Constantly updated content teaching current best practices, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities.
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Leveraging the benefits of community

  • Connecting you to local experts we trust to help solve some of your bigger problems.
  • Connecting your leaders to other leaders, to leverage their broad experience and provide support.
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In pursuit of practical value

  • Expert-developed micro-learning content delivered online, on demand, at a leader’s own pace.
  • Learning modules include practical tools, templates and resources for leaders to pick up and run with.
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Develop your own leadership learning ecosystem by leveraging ours

Closed communities

Connect your leaders to relevant chapters across the platform, or restrict their networks to certain functions or layers within your organisation.

Self publishing

Produce and embed bespoke content into the platform to ensure you get the best of what Stones offers, as well as what you can produce.

Content seeding

Ensure your leaders engage with the learning content you prioritise, as well as content we recommend to meet their professional needs.

News seeding

Populate the newsroom with internal updates and advice, while ensuring your leaders keep current with contextual changes and trends.

Take the next step towards organisational excellence