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Lessons in Leadership

Airline pilot, Everest mountaineer, adventurer and extreme marathon competitor...

For Leaders

It’s lonely at the top and the weight of leadership is immense. Leaders are expected to be able to do it all and solve everything. Yet many are ‘winging it’, overwhelmed as to where to start, what to do and, especially, how to do it.

Stones enables leaders to cut through the noise and tackle the real issues that impact their people and performance.

For Business

An organisation’s impact depends on its leaders. Yet slim or out-of-date leadership capabilities often restrict organisational initiatives and change, especially when things are moving so fast.

Stones takes the onus off businesses to solve the problem of leadership development by continuously growing skills through tailored learning pathways and support.

Learning Diagram

A personalised micro learning platform for leaders

Personalised learning pathways & journey visualisation

Micro learnings with practical tools, templates & resources

Modern thought-leadership from recognised experts

Curated newsfeeds & ear-to-the-ground insights

Peer-to-peer connections, mentoring & support